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To Create Your Best Life

~ By Dane Stevens

How to Permanently Heal Unwanted Behaviors,
Chronic Conditions and Addictions

Introducing the Neuro Trauma Healing Process


Danes Stevens is an author, speaker, facilitator and developer of the Neuro Trauma
Healing Process (NTHP) and Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC.) Modalities that were
developed out of sheer necessity that not only permanently resolve past trauma
and limiting beliefs, but simultaneously opens the door to higher consciousness.


Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the owner and director of An Extraordinary Life a company that promote healing, spiritual awareness and Self-empowerment. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC). These new healing modalities are obtaining profoundly positive results for people dealing with unwanted behaviors, chronic conditions, addiction and depression.

The NTHP modality was developed out of sheer necessity when a well-meaning therapist tried to force a childhood trauma out of Dane. At the time he was living what would be considered a successful life in all areas: running a prosperous business, living in a beautiful home, making good money, traveling and overall enjoying his life. Everything was going just the way he
wanted… except his relationships, that were consistently short-lived. Because of this, Dane decided he needed to look into a childhood sexual abuse incident that he wasn’t sure he’d dealt with.

When he went to a recommended therapist / healer for help, she tried to force the trauma out of him. She called it “going for a home run.” What she failed to mention was that you could hit a foul ball. Things did not go well. When the ‘energy cirque’ she spoke of broke while working on him, he went from a place of feeling powerful and confident to feeling scared and shaky, for no apparent reason. It felt like he had been plugged into a 220-volt outlet with his nervous system unhinged. He assumed these unstable, fearful feelings inside of him would subside… but they didn’t. He went from living a successful life to losing clients, contracts and the sale of a business in a very short period of time. It was like a vacuum had been turned on his life and within 18 months Dane was broke and within three years he was homeless.

He went on a mad search to try and figure out what the hell had happened to him and how to get his life back. He lived in his car when he had one, and ended up sleeping on the beach, or going back to sleep in the houses he was working on after the crew had left. Working to try and stay afloat in the daytime and trying to get answers from books, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches, gurus, courses — anyone and anything he thought might help him — in the evening.

Looking for anything that might stop this internal energy that continued to run and ruin his life. After 5 years of searching, he would finally learn what had happened to him and what was going on inside of him. He stumbled upon something that allowed him to get to the very cause of his suffering and enabled him to connect with it. Finally, he got relief.

All of Dane’s searching, seeking, trial and error resulted in what has become the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP.) Through the use of this process he was able to gently and safely connect with the uncomfortable energy and give this part of himself what it needed to feel safe, to calm down, and thus, give him the relief he was desperately seeking. As he continued to use the process, he was totally released from the fearful, unstable, negative energy. It was gone. He was no longer living in the state of fight or flight. Those turbulent feelings were replaced with inner peace, security, connection.

It didn’t stop there though. Doing the inner, healing work created a space, a peace in him. What occurred out of that was a natural connection to the higher consciousness within him, which began to flow through him. Stevens continues to live in this state of security and wellbeing; no longer having to cope or deal with the memories of his past that were once buried alive in his sub-conscious. The work opened the way for full-on empowerment, and allowed him to become fulfilled and happy in all areas of his life — including a long-term loving relationship.

Dane now teaches this process to individuals that want to become certified to facilitate it with people seeing to heal from their past or a chronic condition or unwanted behaviors. The NTHP process continues to produce unparalleled results with conditions like trauma, chronic anxiety or fear, chronic pain, obesity, eating disorders, addiction, even depression and physical ailments. The process is not a coping skill, a technique to overcome, a compensation or a medication; but has the ability to bring negative patterns and chronic conditions to a full resolution, or healing — for good.

Dane is passionate about getting the word out about this work through his new book Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life, the guidebook for the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. He also hosts on-line webinars, seminars, workshops, and speaks internationally on healing, our spiritual nature and the process.

Title: Reclaim Your Power to Create Your BestLife
Author: Dane Stevens
Hardcover: 180 pages
Publisher: An Extraordinary Life Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-9991461-1-5
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
On Amazon: Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life

What People are Saying….

I am no longer reactive to 45 years of dealing with PTSD. That statement alone is life altering.
~ Lauren NTHP client

I am a logic driven person so I am not going to say “miracle”, but I will say this, I have had a regular heartbeat for 7 months now. ~ Kelly (Recovered from irregular heartbeat and didn’t have to have scheduled heart surgery- Dec. 2013)

The NTHP has completely freed me from my past. …I have been dealing with sexual abuse for the better part of my adult life, I have done a lot of counseling for it, but never got anywhere with it. I would just shut down and it wasn’t effective for me. I’ve never experienced anything like this (NTHP) before. This work took me to a place I’ve never been in my life, and honestly didn’t think I would be able to get to. …Today I have a really big smile on my face because I don’t live in the past anymore. I really didn’t realize I could have this kind of freedom …I’m not stuck and frozen anymore. I’m finally able to start progressing in my life again! It feels like a fog has been lifted… I’m excited about my life now!
~Michelle D.

What a powerful way to untangle the pain from the past with gentle loving support and release that pain with compassion and ease!
~Lori L, Retiree

…these parts of myself are gradually ceasing to be disruptive in their function and are instead joining forces to rebuild what it is that I am truly meant to be. The facilitation– without which none of this could be occurring –is awesome; subtle yet direct. After each session I feel somehow expanded and the aspect of my interface with the world seems finer and more receptive. Looking at everything that’s been happening, I can say with certainty that it’s a rare adventure beyond anything I have ever experienced.
~Lydia C.

I believe that NTHP is a very beneficial tool to use in the process of guiding clients to a place of personal awareness and connectedness. I highly recommend this mode of therapy to others in the field and believe it should be a recognized modality of treatment.
~Donna Janke, RPC

I feel I have gone through an amazing transformation and I finally have some balance back in my life. It has changed my life.
~ Karen G., Business Owner

The insights and healing I received were remarkable… I would suggest if you feel a need to be free of all the hurts and pain that you are going through…sign up for NTHP.
~ Paula K. Entrepreneur

NTHP allows one deep, spiritual answers to paradoxical, troubling questions in one’s life, that make understanding flow and a joy-filled life happen! ~ Sharon K., Chiropractor

Dane Stevens – Biography

Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the owner and director of An Extraordinary Life a company that promotes healing, spiritual awareness and Self-empowerment.

He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC). These new healing modalities are obtaining profoundly positive results for people dealing with unwanted behaviors, chronic conditions and addictive behaviors. Stevens goal is to show people how to create a connection with their inner life, leading to healing from their past and fulfilling their true potential and happiness.

Dane was a trainer, coach for 15+ years (ACE, AFLCA, CCA, ACC) and started his private practice in the year 2000. He has been facilitating and teaching the Neuro Trauma and Soul ReCognition Processes to others since 2010. He has published a book – Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life – that is an introduction and guidebook for the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. He also hosts live and on-line seminars and workshops, and speaks about the processes, healing, Self awareness and Self-empowerment. His main focus is training others to facilitate the NTHP and SRC processes so more and more people have access to them and can get the healing they want and need.

Dane is originally from the hidden gem, Salmon Arm, in the interior of British Columbia, where he grew up playing in and water skiing on the amazing Shuswap Lake. He has spent seven years in Santa Monica, California, learning about trauma and the nervous system — while deepening his spiritual practice in the sand and the sun. Dane now resides in the gorgeous
Okanagan Valley with his beautiful partner Anne, where they can often be found deep in nature  hiking in search of the next most dynamic waterfall.


On Air Introduction:

Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC).

Healing modalities that were developed out of sheer necessity as he had his nervous system seriously compromised by a well-meaning therapist who tried to force a child-hood trauma out him. It left him in a state of constant anxiety and turned his life into complete shambles, leaving him homeless, afraid and out-of-control.

It took him five years to understand what had happened to him and another year to discover what would give him relief and give him his life back. The result of that five-year-search is the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP.)

Dane now lives very happily in the interior of British Columbia with his life partner Anne. They now teach the Neuro Trauma Healing Process to those in need of healing and those wanting to get trained in this profound new process. Dane feels incredibly lucky to have come through what he has and blessed to have discovered this process that brought deep peace, connection and fulfillment into his life. He now feels a sense of duty to pass this valuable information on to
others who need it.


1) What is Neuro Trauma Healing — NTHP? (and / or Soul Re-Cognition?)
2) What exactly do these processes do?
3) How do they work?
4) Are they natural?
5) Are there any side effects?
6) What happened to you that put your central nervous system into a tail-spin, causing your life to
fall apart?
7) How did you develop this / these processes?
8) Is anyone else doing this type of work?
9) Can they really give people healing for good?
10) How do people know it will work for them?
11) What kind of people do you work with — are there any requirements?
12) Can this process be dangerous?
13) How does this go from being a healing modality into empowerment?
14) You indirectly speak about a spiritual aspect to the work in your book. Can you tell me about that?

15) You have another book coming that goes into empowerment?

16) How can people learn more about this work?
17) What is your vision for this work and the processes?
18) Are you able to work with people over the internet?
19) You offer training for those that want to become certified? How long does that take and what does it entail?

20) Where can people get the book? / do your next training?

Learn More:

Books: Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life – Amazon, hardcopy and E-book

Unleash Your Genius, a continuation of Reclaim Your Power that goes into the empowerment aspect of the work – Spring of 2021: ISBN# 978-1-9991461-5-3



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Contact Information:
Dane Stevens
Phone: 778-319-0749