Thank you for your interest in hiring Dane Stevens for your event. Dane is an author and international speaker who is available for talks, seminars, workshops and conferences. From a 20-minute keynote or guest speaker, to interactive 5-day events, Danes talks and seminars will help your group, learn, grow and thrive in their life individually and as an effective part of a team. Using experiential education, humour, and a loving nudge, you will be challenged to be all you can be- all that you really are., and shown the science of how that is so.
Dane’s training and experience in the Physical, Mental / Emotional, and Spiritual aspects of life allow him to speak from the heart on all of these facets of our being. Empowering you with the tools you need to live your best life. Through understanding and creating the balance of a healthy body, an inspired mind and a spirit set free!
Dane Stevens- Speakers Bureau of Canada link – click here
*All of the Talks / Workshops below can be done as an individual talk, individual workshop, or a talk followed by the workshop.
Reclaim Your Power: Recreating Your life From the Inside, Out! Based on Danes book Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life – Dane speaks about the practical functionality of the human nervous system and how it relates to our mental/ emotional health and well-being. He shows how unfinished business of adverse experiences is the primary cause of the dysfunctions that are occurring in the world today. He then introduces the great opportunity that awaits the individuals and the societies who open-up to and embrace a higher consciousness- higher intelligence, and the tremendously positive effects it will have on our world.
In this talk / workshop you will gain an understanding that operating as a spiritual being with a physical body and a nervous system, is made to serve you. Instead of feeling like you are swimming upstream against life, you will discover how to align with your essential Self, take back control of your life and live a life you love to live- by simply being who you really are.
Dane has presented this talk and workshop to thousands of people internationally and has achieved unparalleled results with his ground-breaking process. Through his fun and inspiring approach, they have received clear and practical information that has helped them to resolve issues in the areas of health, relationships, wealth, and success.
Speaks about Mental Health and the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. In this talk / workshop you will get an understanding of how you work as a body with a nervous system and will be shown you how you can go from being victimized back into the drivers seat of your life. Go from being at the mercy of life to being back in the drives seat and having it serve you!
Live or On-line Event.
Truly Happy! The Science of Following Your Bliss: In the challenging times that we have been faced with recently it has taken many a long way from ‘home’, away from our very nature of inner contentment and yes- happiness. When I say our nature, I mean it is a part of our hardwiring, meaning we don’t have to work hard, beg, plead or sacrifice to have it. Happiness is here in everyone and available to everyone of us right now! Man has been sold a fake bill of goods and has made life so much more complicated than it needs to be.
In this talk learn what you already inwardly know, that there is a bliss within you that just wants out! get back in touch with the higher, finer, broader part of you that knows how to create the life that you really want to live. Accessing your inner play will make you healthier, more fun, more productive and smarter! Experience how much easier and how much better life works when it’s done in the name of fun! This talk is not just a bunch of words but an experience of releasing the Bliss!
Live Event only
Conscious Leadership: Creating a Brighter Tomorrow- Today:
Consciousness is humanities next great frontier and understanding it is the key to our ability to thrive in the future. In order to move forward in these complex and changing times conscious leaders are needed. In Dane’s talk/ workshop you will learn how to be a conscious and effective leader by learning how first to follow; follow and trust the wisdom within your Self. This wisdom is beyond your personal programming and sits pure and untouched underneath your life’s experience. This level of our consciousness is beyond ego and the cerebral thinking mind. It is a wisdom connected to the whole, is creative and inclusive– It is our very nature.
We are in challenging times that require strong leadership to bring us all together in our deepest commonality. That commonality is understanding the wisdom within each one of us that connects us all. In these turbulent times, the task of bringing people together in harmony may seem next to impossible, but a leader who is in tune with that higher aspect within themself, will be able to create a wide enough and safe enough space for others to rise above their fragmented, limited perspectives, back into connection with the whole.
Dane will guide and inspire you into aligning with the higher aspects within you and thrive as a full and connected individual. All the pressure will be taken off you as an individual, as you naturally rise above the personal sense of ego and allow your higher Self, your inner leader to shine forth. The alchemy that occurs out of this higher dimension of consciousness is what is needed for us to embrace and thrive as individuals and as a society through these great times of change.
Live or On-line
Mindfulness: Connecting to the Higher Dimension Within You: To be ‘mindful’ would imply that our ‘mind is full’ but in truth it is the opposite. When we are truly mindful, we have in fact risen above the level of thought. We then see the world through new and expanded eyes and the heart naturally opens. In Order to be who we truly are, we need first experience mindfulness to understand what we are not.
You will be guided to a higher dimension of your own consciousness where peace, ease and order prevail. You will see how, when you align with this higher part of your consciousness,
you can transform places of stress, uncertainty, fear and lack into well-being, power, and prosperity. Not only bringing you peace and clarity but making you profoundly more effective and proactive in your life. This is the power that makes a way when you don’t see one.
In this talk / workshop you will learn of your true power and leave transformed in your ability to harmonize with your surroundings and, through the power of presence, watch things quite simply work out.
Live or On-line
Mastering the Art of Change: Besides death and taxes, the one other constant we can count on is change. Every company, group and individual face the challenges and adversities of change. Our ability to handle these shifts depict how effective and happy we will be in our life. In times of transition or crisis it is essential to have access to internal resources that help us stay on-top of our life with optimism and curiosity. Dane shares how you can stay in alignment with life and use change to your advantage.
In this talk / workshop you will learn a new way to view circumstances that can serve instead of overwhelm. Change becomes a welcomed friend instead of a foe. You will learn how to discern what is most important to you so you focus more clearly and make the choices that will take you to the ultimate outcome, more simple and obvious. Whether it is a relationship, a group dynamic or even health challenge, the equation for clarity and resolution is the same.
Dane will provide you with the practical resources you need to face challenges head on with a sense of spirited adventure! You will be taught how to effectively turn adversities around with a perception that allows you to use them as stepping-stones to come alive and be more than you ‘thought’ you could be. Leave this workshop with the relaxed and certain knowledge that you are bigger than anything that happens to you, that you can handle whatever comes at you and look forward to “What’s next?!”
Live or On-line
The Art of Communication– Communication is one of the most misunderstood, confusing and important parts of living a successful life. Most consider talking, communication. While this is an important part of communicating, if you are serious about having an authentic, meaningful and connected interaction with another, it is secondary. Most people don’t have the strength to listen, and therefore never hear what is actually being said. In this talk / workshop you will learn how to simplify communication and learn the scientific art of creating a win / win for you and the other(s).
Live or On-line
Thriving in the Face of Adversity– Every company, group and individual faces times of adversity and crisis. How we handle them tends to depict how effective and how happy we will be in our life. In these challenging times, people need all the resources they can get to stay on top of their life and stay optimistic. This talk / workshop will give you the practical resources you need to face challenges head on. To effectively turn them around and create a new perception that allows you to use them as stepping-stones to get bigger, come alive and let yourself be more than you ‘thought’ you could be.
Live or On-line
If you have a specific focus you would like addressed that you do not see here, please make mention of it in the form below. We look forward to making your event an inspired one that positively impacts your group as individuals and as an integral part of a team.
Fee schedule:
Live Events:
Keynote / Workshop: $3,000 – $4,000
Half Day: $5,000
Full Day: $7,500
Virtual Events: $3,000 – $5,000
*There is a sliding scale for low and non profit organizations. Please contact us for details.