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Spirit of Healing Talk

March 1, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

The Spirit of Healing is a talk about how negative and chronic conditions are caused by what is going on within us at the unconscious level. Dane will help you to see that reoccurring challenges are there for a reason and not simply “bad luck” or accidents. They come into our lives by design; perfectly orchestrated as a means to show us where we are disconnected from source. They are the Universe’s way of getting our attention, to urge us to go inside and re-connect with our true and authentic nature and unlock our full potential.

Everyone experiences these conditions to some degree and they can affect our health, wealth, relationships and expression. He will show how healing unsolved traumas is our opportunity to step into the fullness of who we are. Dane will share his inspiring personal story of healing and show how you too can heal from your past.

You too can find the freedom of inner peace and self-love – the freedom to live the life you came here to live


March 1, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Genesis Burien CSL
233 S 156th St
Burien, WA United States
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