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Live Interactive Experience of the Nuero Trauma Healing Process

February 5, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

NTHP is for when there is conflict between who we truly are and who we have become.

We all have them; negative patterns that creep into our lives that prevent us from realizing our full potential. It could be anything from a chronic condition; an addiction, or simply failing to live the joyful life we know we are capable of that show us we are somehow out of alignment with our authentic self.

The Neuro Trauma Healing Process is a person centered process that allows direct contact with the subconscious mind – our most powerful creative faculty, for the purpose of re-aligning with that essential part of our self; our true nature. With the guidance of a trained NTHP facilitator you will be taken through a proven process of left / right brained exercises and guided meditations that will allow you how to tap into your higher self and get the healing, wisdom and direction needed specific to you.

Heal Your Past: Your Gifts, Passions and Purpose Ignited, Your Ultimate Life Revealed!

Join Dane and Anne in an intimate group setting where you can experience the profound results of the Neuro Trauma and Soul Re-Cognition Processes first hand.  See how these safe and effective processes can transform your life. Take yourself from pain, frustration and confusion into the freedom and passion of living the life you know in your heart you are here to live. …by simply being who you truly are!

Bring: Paper and a pen, an open mind and a willing heart!

Where? – 1460 Main St., North Vancouver, BC Canada

When? – May 24th & June 14 – 7pm – 9pm.

Cost? –  Free!


February 5, 2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:



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